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Are Sugar-Free Energy Drinks Bad for Your Teeth?

Sugar Free Drinks and Oral Health

Dental professionals often repeat their advice to avoid or limit sugary drinks. Bacteria that are naturally found in the mouth feed off sugar, and their byproducts can lead to tooth decay, cavities, and pain.

Some people heed this warning and switch to sugar-free or low-carb versions of their favorite caffeine boosters. But are sugar-free energy drinks bad for your teeth?

Acid Attack

Did you know that tooth enamel is the hardest surface in the human body? It’s made of tightly packed mineral crystals that band together like a fortress to protect the rest of the tooth. As tough as enamel is, acid in sodas, fruit juices and more have the power to dissolve those mighty materials, causing holes.

Holes caused by acid are entry points for the bacteria to become entrenched. Remember how we mentioned bacteria have a byproduct that leads to tooth decay? That byproduct is more acid! This means acidic drinks have a multiplying effect on tooth damage.

Acidic Drinks by the Numbers

Are sugar-free energy drinks acidic? Yes! But just how bad are they?

Below are the pH levels of some common beverages. Any number below 4.5 indicates a drink could erode your tooth enamel. The lower the number, the more potential a drink has to damage your teeth. You’ll see below, only two drinks on this list are considered non-threatening to your tooth enamel.

While the sugar-free energy drink is slightly less acidic than its sugar-loaded counterpart, it is still well into the danger zone. 

Sugar-Free Energy Drinks and Teeth: Healthy Tips

So, what can you do to combat the hidden dangers of sugar-free energy drinks? Here are some key steps: 

Your smile is precious, and leaving it vulnerable to acid is like leaving the gate of your fortress wide open. But by making informed choices and prioritizing proper oral hygiene, you can keep your smile sparkling and healthy for years to come. 

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